NxV is an 2D image editor with functionalities dedicated to people who use images analysis systems.
This software is under GPL and use TrollTech Qt 4 Open Source libraries
Many files are supported (PNG, JPG, BMP, TIF with TIffIO plugin, ...) and many operations are available :
![]() |
![]() |
In order to compile NxV some packages need to be installed : Qt - Qwt 5.0.x - Qwtplot3d 0.2.6 - TiffIO-120e The installation procedure is explained in the following sections
Download the Qt source for linux X11
Extract the package using this command:
tar xvfz qt-x11-opensource-src-{version}.tar.gz
Configure and compile in root:
./configure && make && make install
Add the following lines at the end of your ~/.bashrc:
export QTDIR=/usr/local/TrollTech/Qt-{version}
export PATH=$QTDIR/bin:$PATH
Restart your terminal or type :
source ~/.bashrc
Download the Qwt source
Extract the package using this command:
tar xvfj qwt-{version}.tar.bz2
Configure and compile in a user terminal:
qmake -makefile qwt.pro && make
su -c "make install"
Add the following lines at the end of your ~/.bashrc:
export QWT=/usr/local/qwt
Download the Qwtplot3d source
Extract the package using this command:
tar xvfz qwtplot3d-{version}.tgz
Configure and compile in a user terminal:
qmake -makefile qwtplot3d.pro && make
Move the entire directory qwtplot3d in /usr/local
Add the following lines at the end of your ~/.bashrc:
export QWTPLOT3D=/usr/local/qwtplot3d
Download the TiffIO source
Extract the package using this command:
tar xvfz TiffIO-{version}.tgz
Configure and compile in a user terminal:
qmake -makefile qmake TiffIO.pro && make
In a root terminal, type:
make install
Restart your terminal or type (to set QTDIR, QWT, QWTPLOT3D variable) :
source ~/.bashrc
Download the NxV source
Extract the package using this command:
tar xvfj nxv-{version}.tar.bz2
Configure and compile in a user terminal:
qmake -makefile nxv.pro && make
Execute NxV
If you use mingw-gcc the compilation will be quite similar, but QT QWT and QWTPLOT3D variable must be set in the environment variables system
Moreover, before compiling qwtplot3d and if you use mingw-gcc, you must change in the qwtplot3d.pro this:
win32:TEMPLATE = vclib
by this:
win32:TEMPLATE = lib
The documention is could be viewed by pressing F1
usage : nxv [options] [filelist]
-z{f} : set zoom factor to f
-w{i} : set window width to i
-h{i} : set window height to i
-RM : delete edited images on quit (WARNING)
example : nxv -RM -z1.5 -w512 -h512 /home/nxv/*.png
nxv will be started with a zoom factor set to 1.5, a 512 pixel width, a 512 pixel height, and all edited images will be deleted on application quit
[ UP ] | Move up zoomed image |
[ DOWN ] | Move down zoomed image |
[ LEFT ] | Move left zoomed image |
[ RIGHT ] | Move right zoomed image |
[ + ] , [ - ] | Zoom/Dezoom image |
[ Echap ] | Restore original image and keep zoom factor |
[ F5 ] | Set zoom factor to 1 |
[ i ] | Invert Color or Gray levels |
[ e ] | Show color/gray manipulation window |
[ d ] | Display 3D Image Volume |
[ f ] | Save to EPS the 3D Image Volume current view |
[ p ] | Get from the image a 1D line profil using mouse [ mid ][ CTRL ] |
[ h ] | Mirror image considering horizontal axis |
[ v ] | Mirror image considering vertical axis |
[ RETURN ] | Reload the current image from file |
[ PG_UP ] | Load from file previous image and keep Color Table Configuration |
[ PG_DOWN ] | Load from file next image keep Color Table Configuration |
[ RETURN ] | Reload the current image from file and keep Color Table Configuration |
[ l ] | Load images |
[ s ] | Save the current image |
[ q ] | Quit |
[ WHEEL ] | Zoom/Dezoom Image |
[ WHEEL ][ CTRL ] | Fast Zoom/Dezoom Image |
[ LEFT ] | Move zoomed image |
[ RIGHT ] | Show current pixel information |
[ MID ] | Crop Image |
[ MID ][ CTRL ] | Select line for 1D display |
[ ALT ][ LEFT ] | Expand or shrink X and/or Y axis |
[ CTRL ][ LEFT ] | Move bounding box |
[ SHIFT ][ LEFT ] | Rotate bounding box |
[ ALT ][ CTRL ][ LEFT ] | Expand or shrink bounding box |
[ WHEEL ] | Expand or shrink bounding box |
[ SHIFT ][ CTRL ][ LEFT ] | Expand (mouse up) or shrink (mouse down) Z axis |
[ SHIFT ][ WHEEL ] | Expand (mouse up) or shrink (mouse down) Z axis |
NxV is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.